The Tried and True Pumper

Mid Mount Pumpers

Mid Mount Pumpers

Mid Mount Pumpers have dominated fire department fleets for decades, and for good reason. The opportunity to slip and fall is greatly reduced when pumping from the side of the apparatus. In addition, the wear and tear on a driver or operator is reduced because it isn’t necessary to step up and down to do the job.

Rosenbauer offers both custom and commercial mid mount pumpers, both of which are designed to meet the exact needs of your department or operation.

If your operation is in need of a pumper within a reduced timeframe, Rosenbauer offers Rapid Response Series commercial or custom mid mount pumpers. These fire trucks utilize either the Freightliner M2-106 chassis with a 350 hp engine, or the Commander custom chassis with 450 hp engine. Departments can then select premium apparatus options such as painted-roll up doors, adding a foam system or custom striping.

firetruck hero image

Mid Mount Pumper Specifications

TRUCKS Mid-Mount Rear-Mount Top-Mount
CUSTOM CHASSISCommander, Avenger, WarriorCommander, Avenger, WarriorCommander, Avenger, Warrior
COMMERCIAL CHASSISAll major manufacturersAll major manufacturersAll major manufacturers
BODYEXT, FX, FL, MP3, TP3, RP3EXT, FX, RP3, TimberwolfEXT, FX, RP3, Timberwolf
BODY MATERIAL“Aluminum: 1/8”” or 3/16"”
Steel: 10 or 12 Gauge”
“Aluminum: 1/8”” or 3/16"”
Steel: 10 or 12 Gauge”
“Aluminum: 1/8”” or 3/16"”
Steel: 10 or 12 Gauge”
COMPARTMENT HEIGHT72" max72" max72" max
COMPARTMENT DEPTH26” max26” max26” max
PUMP CAPACITY RANGE250 – 2000 GPM250 – 2000 GPM250 – 2000 GPM
PUMP MANUFACTURERSRosenbauer, Hale, Darley, WaterousRosenbauer, Hale, Darley, WaterousRosenbauer, Hale, Darley, Waterous
CONTROL LOCATIONOperators, curbsideOperators, curbsideTop Internal, Top External

Mid Mount Pumper Features

Fully Customizable Bodies
Rosenbauer’s EXT, FX, and CT bodies are fully-customizable and are available in 1/8” or 3/16” aluminum or stainless steel. State-of-the-art body electrical wiring reduces service time and money.
Extensive Storage
Rosenbauer’s mid-mount pumpers come with extensive storage solutions, including customizable tool storage, slide-out equipment trays, full-depth / full-height side compartments and full-width access compartments. 

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